Shauna’s blog

Posted by on September 10, 2012 in Blog | 3 comments

Shauna’s  blog

I was born on October 12, 1980 in Ukiah.  I have Infantile Cerebral Palsy and Bipolar. When I was little I had a hard time with things like eating walking, etc. I was raised by my Grandmother in Lake County and graduated from Lower Lake High school when I was 19.   

I got very ill in my early 20’s and had to move away to a group home in the San Francisco bay area for two years. It wasn’t a very good fit for me. So my case worker found me a supported living agency and at the time Stacy Perez and Vicki Robinson were working for the Agency. Stacy was the first person I met, she helped me get settled in Napa and also saved my life. She kept a close eye on me because I was on very intense Rx and was has having an adverse reaction to the medication. After sometime Stacy and Vicki began their own agency but I remained in the care of the other agency.

In June of 2011 My Case worker was looking into other supportive living Agencies and to my surprise I was happy to know T.L.C was accepting clients and I was reunited with Stacy and Vicki.

I’ve been with TLC for over a year now, I am on the stars committee as a Political Advisor. I now I am honored to be apart of the website where I have my own Blog spot and I welcome comments or questions anyone has about my experience In supported living and as a disabled woman.  Im happy to be with TLC I have a very Good Manager Michelle Perez, House supervisor that has been with me before TLC and supported living Staff.

Shauna Downing







  1. this is amazing im so proud of you i love you so much….talk to you soon you an amzing woman….keep up the good work .)

  2. Great Job Shauna!! I look forward to reading your next blog.

  3. You are such an inspiration for people who struggle with developmental disabilities! Keep up the great work!